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On sale now for G.E.T. Diamond Mardi Gras Rio Orange 4.5 Oz. Melamine Bowl - Case = 48 is becoming hot. This cool G.E.T. Diamond Mardi Gras Rio Orange 4.5 Oz. Melamine Bowl - Case = 48 is currently on sale, you can purchase it right now for only
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Order G.E.T. Diamond Mardi Gras Rio Orange 4.5 Oz. Melamine Bowl - Case = 48 lowest price. Top deals available for you on G.E.T. Diamond Mardi Gras Rio Orange 4.5 Oz. Melamine Bowl - Case = 48 at Discounted prices. Find for best deals.
Item Description
G.E.T. Diamond Mardi Gras™ Rio Orange 4.5 Oz. Melamine BowlCelebrate every day when you set your table with the beautiful colors of the Diamond Mardi Gras™ collection from G.E.T. This collection is made of durable melamine that is practically impossible to break and is priced affordably. Great for busy hotels or restaurants.Model #: B-454-RO Material: Melamine Color: Rio Orange Dishwasher Safe NSF Listed Limited 2-Year Warranty Capacity: 4-1/2 Oz Depth: 1-1/4" Diameter: 4-3/4" 204844
Strong Feat
- Model #: B-454-RO
- Material: Melamine
- Color: Rio Orange
- Dishwasher Safe
- NSF Listed
Customer Reviews
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