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Best offer for Grapevine Covered Candy Bowl Tuscan Kitchen Tableware is now alive. This best Covered Candy Bowl is currently on sale, you might purchase it right now for only
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Purchase Grapevine Covered Candy Bowl Tuscan Kitchen Tableware best price. Deals is presented for you on Covered Candy Bowl at Discounted prices. Find for lowest prices.
Product Information
Decorative serving bowl features warm colors in rich burgundy, olive green, and golden brown. Impressive gift for any occasion.
- Beautiful 12-inch tall x 6-inch diameter ceramic covered candy dish features lush gravevine design
- Decorative serving bowl features warm colors in rich burgundy, olive green, and golden brown
- Detailed bead trim surrounds the 3-inch deep pedestal bowl
- Lovely Tuscan tableware and centerpiece that can transition from Old World design style to Classic, Traditional, Mediterranean and Italian home decorating design
- Wonderful home gift idea especially filled with their favorite treats, makes a handsome wedding present as well
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Key: Covered Candy Bowl
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